Thursday, April 7, 2011

Three Weeks

To preface, I began this blog a couple days ago and am finally finishing and posting it today.

I am currently on the bus from Doolin to Cork.  I love riding the bus.  In fact I really enjoy all public transportation systems, mainly for the convenience of them.  I mean, there is not a single possibility that I could get lost while on the bus.  I get on and then get off at the correct stop, none of the annoying checking to make sure I am going in the right direction.  For me this is a excellent thing, I mean, I got lost driving from Grand Rapids to Traverse City.  I was going to try and write this blog entry on here ad then just be able to post it later, but I’m starting to get nauseous.  So, I will have to finish either later tonight or when I get to my next wwoofing spot tomorrow. 
I am at my last WWOOFing placement in a beautiful area near Coomolah.  The house and land surrounding it are called Mill Little.  The woman who owns the area is named Christine.  Currently there are two other wwoofers, both from Cincinnati, named Nicole and Alex.  There are also two students who are here to learn English.  Martha is from the German area of Switzerland and Alesandro is from the Italian speaking part.
It's now Thursday and things are going great :)  On Monday I did some trimming and weeding outside.  Tuesday was spent hauling wood from different areas and stacking it in piles.  We then went into Bantry for a few hours.  That evening we went Irish Set dancing at one of the local pubs.  It was great fun!  I got a couple really good partners who just kinda flung me around.  It was easier when the other people knew what they were doing...  Then  on Wednesday I hauled some more wood and tried my hand at chopping it!  It took a few minutes to get the hang of it and I'm still not very good but I will get there.  I'm pretty sore today..  Wednesday afternoons Christine and her friend Linda take us for outings.  Yesterday we went first to a stone circle, then to an old English manor.  The ruins of the manor were right in the middle of a cow pasture!  We had to slip under the electric fencing to go wander around.  We then went and took a nice walk on the beach.  Sadly the water drops of suddenly and has a fierce current so it's not for swimming.  I waded in and got my pants wet.  After that we went to a pub for some coffee and to sit by the fire.  This morning I chopped and hauled some more wood.  Then I helped move gravel.  We had to shovel it into wheelbarrows and then spread it out over a drive way.  It took about three hours and my arms feel like putty :)  But I'm building my muscles for the Mulder Olympics this summer!  I want the paddle this year :)  
After working Nicole and I went for a dip in the stream.  It was very fresh!  Now I'm off to go read and then have dinner.  My current book is a parody of the Lord of the Rings and is quite funny.  After dinner we'll probably be up for a movie or something relaxing.  toodles!  and only three weeks until I return to terrorize TC again :)

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